Jill Fink, TMF’s Executive Director, wrote an Op-Ed for The Philadelphia Inquirer on the importance of shopping local this holiday season and always.

Read how the owners of Cantina La Martina who are frustrated with the city’s response to date, are trying a more vocal approach.

Read how the future of Alma del Mar, Marco’s Fish Market & Crab House, and Los Taquitos de Puebla is at stake, according to a recent crowdfunding campaign.

On our 167th anniversary, The Inquirer profiled The Merchants Fund and highlighted our long history, those we’ve served, and the work ahead. Read the full article: The Merchants Fund has been a godsend to the smallest of businesses during the pandemic

Terrell Barkley, owner of Barkley’s BBQ, talked to the Inquirer about what business is like in the time of Covid-19.

Mark Abrams checks in with TMF about grants for businesses impacted by the civil unrest.

Philly Mag spoke with TMF Grantee, M Concept, as well as Executive Director, Jill Fink to get their perspective on what retail may look like as stores begin to re-open.

On April 22, 2020 Mark Abrams of KYW news interviewed our Executive Director about how The Merchants Fund is supporting small businesses during the pandemic.

On November, 10 2016, Finanta honored TMF with a local event convening grantees, TMF staff and board, Finanta staff, and local community partners. Twenty-six clients were awarded just over $246,000 in grants with the integral help of Finanta’s resources and relationships with small business owners in the area.